Airport defense

The airport is the gateway and exit from any country.
Air travel is getting cheaper and more accessible across the globe. Moreover, shipping goods via air is gaining momentum.
So airports and the aviation industry have to prepare for all types of threats from terrorist attacks.
An airport attack is one of every passenger's greatest fears considering past events and experiences.

Barriers For Airport Defense

Our products

About threats around airport

Mifram Security

The airport that deploys proper checkpoints and well-designed security solutions can not only prevent attacks but also increased aircraft safety, and enhance the passenger’s experience.

Mifram Security’s ramming vehicle barrier can help airport authorities to stop every type of vehicle quickly. Experienced security professionals design them. They can be deployed in a short time and mobile as needed.

Our barriers in action

secure every sector

global sectors

Let our experts explain how to stop the next terror attack

Mifram Security develops, plans and constructs a wide range of defensive products, anti-terror protection, threat protection, fortifications, natural disasters and project management solutions

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