Historic buildings, museums, and art

National museums and art galleries are always on the radar for theft of artifacts.
Protection of such precious premises and artifacts that are part of cultures and history for hundreds and in some cases, thousands of years requires a carefully designed security solution.

Barriers For Historic buildings, national monuments, museums, and art defense

Our products

About threats around historical buildings and museums

Mifram Security

An in-depth assessment of risks and threats are required to create a customized security solution.
Perimeter protection plays a primary role in such valuable buildings.
For theft prevention, specially designed barriers and checkpoints can reduce overall stress on the security systems inside the premises.

Our barriers in action

secure every sector

global sectors

Let our experts explain how to stop the next terror attack

Mifram Security develops, plans and constructs a wide range of defensive products, anti-terror protection, threat protection, fortifications, natural disasters and project management solutions

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