Military bases and posts

Military bases and posts are perhaps the most secure places on earth.
Surprise attacks and unauthorized entry can be expected all the time.
Anti-ramming vehicle barriers are a must used security solution for every military bases and post throughout the globe to prevent ramming vehicle attacks.

Barriers For Military bases and posts

Our products

About threats around Military bases and posts

Mifram Security

Mifram Security offers a wide range of barriers to stop all types of vehicles within meters after the collision.
The company is registered as an unlimited supplier and contractor with the Israeli Ministry of Defense and all government bodies (Approved Contractor), the United States Army, Air Force, and Navy, the Marines, the United Nations, and many others.

Our barriers in action

secure every sector

global sectors

Let our experts explain how to stop the next terror attack

Mifram Security develops, plans and constructs a wide range of defensive products, anti-terror protection, threat protection, fortifications, natural disasters and project management solutions

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