Sporting events

Sports event in the city, region, or state has been gaining importance from an economic, social, and political perspective.
Furthermore, successfully organized sports events support businesses and tourism for years.

Barriers For Sporting events:

Our products

About threats around sports events

Mifram Security

Hence sports events have always been on the radar of terrorists and local protestors. Naturally, protection of sports athletes, coaches, staff, fans, and other event attendees become one of the biggest challenges for organizers.

Sports events are often vulnerable to ramming vehicle attacks. More effective vehicle barriers can provide an additional security layer to the perimeter for sports events.

Our barriers in action

secure every sector

global sectors

Let our experts explain how to stop the next terror attack

Mifram Security develops, plans and constructs a wide range of defensive products, anti-terror protection, threat protection, fortifications, natural disasters and project management solutions

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