Hospitals Defense

Hospitals operate 24X7 throughout the year. So the security of staff, patients, and visitors is essential to create a safe operating environment for everyone.
Hospitals face consistent threats such as unauthorized entry, terrorist attacks, ramming vehicles, security and control of parking and traffic.

Barriers For Military Hospitals defense

Our products

About threats around Hospitals

Mifram Security

Checkpoints, barrier-gates, fencing, and many other security solutions need to be implemented to prevent loss of lives and other damages.
These security measures also require to facilitate emergency evacuation and services.
Mifram Security’s barriers can be easily removed during the evacuation or emergency situations by a single person.

Our barriers in action

secure every sector

global sectors

Let our experts explain how to stop the next terror attack

Mifram Security develops, plans and constructs a wide range of defensive products, anti-terror protection, threat protection, fortifications, natural disasters and project management solutions

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